Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tuesday Siesta by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay Example

Tuesday Siesta by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Paper There are three main social classes: low, middle, and upper. People try to live an affordable life, but not all have the same class. In â€Å"Tuesday Siesta,† by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, there are people who cannot afford the luxuries in life. Therefore, people try to examine life, engage life with retribution and always pursuit for new desires and new fate to reach with their mind. But being proud and having dignity can change the way a person thinks and make a person feel stronger. The woman was very confident with her dignity when the woman went to see her son, the thief’s grave, â€Å"The priest scrutinized her. She stared at him with quiet self-control, and the father blushed† (Marquez 3). The woman stared at the priest with self-control, which shows that she was very confident in herself and had changed the priest’s mind, as he blushed.The woman is strong enough to not feel bad and cry about feelings; she stood sufficiently in front the man. Also the girl had self-worth to get up and change her seat because the smoke of the train was coming through the window. â€Å"Since the smoke of the locomotive kept coming through the window, the girl left her seat She sat on the opposite seat, away from the window, facing her mother† (Marquez 1). The girl was uncomfortable in the seat where the smoke was coming through the window. Therefore that shows the girl was confident and with self-pride she got up and changes her seat. The girl’s face wouldn’t look upright or clean if she kept seated beside the window, where the smoke was coming from. And that’s why the girl moved to sit towards her mother. The woman and her daughter are resilient and had shown a great level of confidence when â€Å"They were the only passengers in the lone third-class car They were both in severe and poor mourning clothes† (Marquez 1). The woman and her daughter did not get self-conscious or embarrassed in front of people in the bus because they were passion We will write a custom essay sample on Tuesday Siesta by Gabriel Garcia Marquez specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tuesday Siesta by Gabriel Garcia Marquez specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tuesday Siesta by Gabriel Garcia Marquez specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer